We are a fiduciary, first and foremost. That means we put the client’s interests first. As an independent, fee-only Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), Snowball Wealth Management was built to avoid conflicts-of-interest. We believe commissions and other financial incentives to invest in particular investments are malicious. They incentivize bad behavior and do not have the client’s best interest in mind. We provide untainted financial advice to help our clients achieve their personal and financial goals.

Snowball Wealth Management, LLC is an independent, fee-only, Colorado Registered Investment Advisor. It is the amalgamation and successor company to TNL Asset Management, LLC and Knopinski & Fauver Financial Advisors, Inc. We are and always have been a fiduciary and don’t sell anything but advice. That means, no unnecessary insurance contracts, no 12b-1 front-loaded mutual funds, and no parent company recommended “hot stocks” that could win us a trip to Hawaii. At Snowball Wealth Management, LLC, we push sound financial advice that’s specifically geared toward each client’s needs—PERIOD!



Our mission is to help individuals achieve financial freedom through comprehensive financial planning, disciplined asset allocation and security selection commensurate with each client’s risk profile. And to provide our clients with a comprehensive, long-term perspective of their financial future with 24/7/365 customer service. We don’t have net worth minimums because we believe everybody needs a sound financial plan and professional investment management. We believe all financial advisors should adhere to a fiduciary standard despite what the government’s regulations say. At Snowball Wealth Management, LLC clients should expect and demand full disclosure. We’ve even designed our fee structure around avoiding conflicts.


Snowball Wealth Management is registered with the State of Colorado as a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). RIA’s have a fiduciary duty to their clients and must file documents with securities regulators disclosing all material information a client needs to make an informed decision about the advisory relationship. These documents are publicly available by searching for the firm or advisor at FINRA’s BrokerCheck website ( We also provide them on our Compliance page under Our Company.


Assets Under Management


Households Served


Client States Represented



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