Snowball Wealth Management, LLC is an independent, fee-only, Colorado Registered Investment Advisor. It is the amalgamation and successor company to TNL Asset Management, LLC and Knopinski & Fauver Financial Advisors, Inc. We are, and always have been, a fiduciary and don’t sell anything but advice. That means, no unnecessary insurance contracts, no 12b-1 front-loaded mutual funds, and no parent company recommended “hot stocks” that could win us a trip to Hawaii. At Snowball Wealth Management, LLC, we push sound financial advice that’s specifically geared toward each client’s needs—PERIOD!

A Fiduciary from the Start
Snowball Wealth Management was founded in 2003 (as TNL Asset Management) with a few unwavering principals in mind. First, financial advisors should have only one thing on their minds when providing advice—the client’s best interests. The old broker model of offering financial kickbacks to brokers to trade certain funds is, and always was, fundamentally flawed. We are, always have been, and always will be a fiduciary to our clients. Your best interest come first. Second, clients deserve direct access to the decision maker. And third, the client deserves to know what they own and why. The what is self-explanatory but the why is vital to being comfortable with your money.

Managed Growth
While Snowball Wealth Management has grown from having a few family and close friends as clients in 2003 to over 80 clients scattered across the United States today, we’ve always focused on personal relationships. We’re in the trust business and that trust needs to be earned through intimate conversations. Sure, we use technology to maintain and enhance our client relationship, but not to replace it. We’ve grown slowly over the years because we will not sacrifice client service for scale. We manage the firm’s growth just like we manage client portfolios—through discipline aligned with our principals.


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